Friday, March 1, 2013

Lazaro Arbos Update (March 1st, 2013)

Hey, Lazis! Time for another Lazaro update! So much has happened since our last post, and we're here to update you on it all!

First off, last night on Idol Lazaro sang Keith Urban's song, "Tonight I Wanna Cry." At the end when asked by Ryan Seacrest how he thought he did, Lazaro tried to say what he thought, but end the end finally just said, "Um.. sure, yes." How cute!! Everyone in the crowd erupted with laughter from Lazaro's comment. To watch his performance (in which the angle of the camera suggests Lazaro is a giant and Ryan is a shrimp) you can click the video below:

After all of the contestants had preformed, Lazaro survived the Sudden Death Round and was third to be seated in the stools. The show wasn't filmed live like most people assumed, but actually it was filmed Wednesday night when all of the girls sang. Lazaro gave us a hint that he made it through the competition with this tweet:

Only the Top 20 get new pages made for them, so Lazaro secretly let us all know that he had made it through!! Sneaky little thing ;)

IMPORTANT --- For any of you who have ever been tweeted/RTed/followed by Lazaro on his @lazaromusic account, be SURE you screenshot all of those tweets because in the past Idol has made contestants with previous twitter accounts delete them which means all of Lazaro's old tweets will more than likely be gone! To learn how to screenshot, you can go here. --- IMPORTANT

To follow Lazaro from his new and 100% official twitter page, you can click here. Lazaro will also, more than likely, have a new Facebook account, but nothing has been confirmed about that yet. We would also like to thank Lazaro for following us on his new twitter page too! Thanks, Lazaro! It means SO much to us! :D If you want to follow us on twitter for all the latest updates and facts posted daily about Lazaro, then you can click here -- we even follow back!

That's it for this update! More coming soon! Be sure to tweet Lazaro and give him a big congratulations for making it into the Top 20! It's up to us now guys to keep him in the competition! We have to vote 'till our fingers fall off!!! We'll do the best we can, Lazaro! We love you!!

 Thanks so much for reading everyone! :)

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